You Need A Wingman. Here's 5 Reasons Why.

Another dating disaster? Time to hand the reins over to your wingman.
Dating is hard.
Really hard.
Being single…
Some like it.
Some don’t.
Some are very good at it.
Some… not so much.
Enter, wingman.
Not to be confused with the aviation term and Top Gun aficionados, a wingman is someone who’ll lend you a little support when approaching someone you like.
It could be a know-it-all best friend.
A mum who’s more accurate than a magic eight ball.
It could even be your gorgeous grandma who looks as sweet as pie but could assassinate someone with one menacing look.
They’re the people who you would trust to discuss your dating life with.
Wingmen get a bad reputation for only being used to initiate hook ups.
Yet, they could be the gatekeeper to introducing you to someone special.
Here are five reasons why you should get a wingman ASAP to help you navigate your dating life.
1. If You’re Lazy or Given Up on Dating, Hand Over the Reins to Your Friends/Family
Finding the love of your life is no easy task.
It’s more difficult to find than the Loch Ness monster.
Some say it’s there, some say there isn’t. You can’t know for sure.
It’s easy to give up.
To not try anymore.
If it happens, it happens.
Nothing in life happens when you don’t do anything.
Let’s meet in the middle.
Whether you’re a fan of traditional dating or meeting via apps, why not rope in your friends or family for help?
Fancy someone across the bar only to find out they’re distance friends with your bestie?
Ask them to introduce you.
Hardly getting any matches from swiping?
Get your friend to swipe a few people for you and see where it leads.
Or, find an app that lets you BOTH be a Wingman and a Single.
The Wingman® app lets you do exactly that. From writing a confidence-boosting description about your single friend to actually picking matches for them, it’s an honest way for matchmakers to experience the dating app world.
You know, without the trench coat and glasses.
2. Share The Highs And Lows With Your Wingman
Hands up if you've ever wallowed in a tub of ice cream after a bad date?
Hands up if it’s usually mint chocolate chip.
Instead of breaking down with a vat of sugar, wouldn’t it be great to share the pain with an actual person?
A wingman.
From getting advice on how to move forward from an awkward text exchange to helping you pick out an impressive date outfit, your wingman can be the extra set of eyes and ears that you never knew you needed.
In a survey by Report Linker, 63 per cent of young millennials mentioned they are more likely to turn to their friend for help.
Dating doesn’t have to be a lonely process.
Whether it’s to commiserate or congratulate, having your wingman every step of the way (well almost!) is the motivating spirit you need. Not the sweet, sweet…sweetness of a delicious frozen snack.
3. Your Wingman Will Be Able to Spot Potential Matches You Might Be Missing Out On
Always seem to be picking the wrong people?
Another one bites the dust?
It’s because you’re blinded by people that fit your typical “type”.
Let your wingman introduce someone great for you instead by turning your attention away from your typical type.
The survey conducted by Report Linker, also found when respondents were asked how they meet potential dates, over 50 per cent of people mentioned being introduced by friends.
If it worked for Meghan and Harry...
Disclaimer: If it works out, be prepared for a lifetime of personal satisfaction from your wingman for setting you guys up.
4. Friends Know You Best - they’ll do a better job at describing you than YOU
How do you go about describing yourself when it comes to online dating profiles?
Ask someone who knows you.
In the Wingman® app, friends can write their single friend’s profile (with the Single getting final approval) before being sent to matches to read them.
Even if your friends are no Shakespeare, they can do an honest job (if you pick your wingman wisely) of describing your character and personal traits.
Sometimes, hearing how those closest to you, describe you, can do wonders on perception.
Online dating statistics by BedBible found that one in five people dating online, have asked
someone else to help write or check over their profile.
Having a wingman who’ll do a kickass (but fair) job of lifting you up to someone potentially special, is an advantage you won’t get doing it alone.
5. Saving you from rejection – Vetting the ‘YES’, ‘NO’, ‘MAYBE'S’
The worst thing about dating? Rejection.
Having a wingman by your side, they’ll make sure you’re not hung up on those that aren’t worth it.
By letting them pick people you should date, you’ll be introduced to a newer variety of people, based on the people who have your best interests at heart.
Dating is sooooo much easier… with a little help from your wingman.
Sign up now with your wingman by downloading the Wingman® app in the App store and Google Play store. Available in the US and UK for IOS and Android devices
Photo credit: Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash