The Best and Worst Wingman Stories We've Heard

Choose wisely, everyone.
I wanna dance with somebody
Compared to my friends, I am usually the shy one. We were at a bar one night when I spotted a guy looking over. Now, my friend is a phenomenal dancer. I am not. Before I could refuse, she had already dragged me to the dance floor and proceeded to make me move like I was a mannequin. The guy soon joined us and started saying how great my moves are. I turned around and saw my friend at the bar giving me a thumbs up. Shout-out to her, for being an awesome wingwomen. - Sarah 27
Size apparently matters
I’m the tallest among my friends and they have forever teased me for it. One night we were out and a really cute guy kept smiling at me. He was evidently shorter than me but it didn’t bother me. My friend however noticed our flirting and casually walked past and said “Careful or she’ll sit on you”. I was mortified. – Amy 25
Man’s best friend
While out jogging, I always see this cute girl walking her dog. I asked my best friend if I could borrow his. On my next run, I took his dog and sure enough, I ended up chatting to the girl and to my relief, she was single too. We went on a couple of dates before I broke it to her that I don’t actually have a dog and I was just looking after my friend’s. Turns out, she already knew as she’d met my friend when he had walked his dog! Luckily, he had actually put in a good word for me. – Mike 22
Hobbit time you left
My friend is known for being brutally honest. We were having dinner at a restaurant once and when she had left to go to the bathroom, a guy sitting opposite us came over to talk to me. He was very sweet and I didn’t mind chatting to him. However, when my friend came back she bluntly said: “Sorry mate, she doesn’t date anyone with a face like Gollum.” Luckily, the guy didn’t get her reference and politely smiled and went back to his table. Cringing, I said let’s get out of here asap before he figures out what you’ve just said. – Clare 28
Summer Love
While on holiday, my friend and I were sightseeing when this really attractive guy came up to us asking for directions. Before I could say sorry we don’t know, we’re tourists too, my friend jumped in and said he should join us sight-seeing. We end up chatting all the way and had lots in common. My friend makes up an excuse to leave us alone together and you could say it was one of the best summer romances I’ve ever had. – Tracy 33
Partner in vomit crime
My mate and I have been single as long as we’ve known each other. A Saturday night out is a tradition for us. One time, I was having a conversation with a girl that was going really well and just as I was ready to ask her out, my clearly drunk friend came in between us and vomited all over the floor. Disgusted, the girl left with her friends and I never saw her again. Cheers wingman. - Sam 26
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