How To Help Your Single Friend During Wedding Season

Complimentary champagne aside.
Wedding season is upon us which means let the annual tradition of drowning in existential crisis commence.
Or Not.
Whether your friend is happy doing just them or already planning their next hook-up, weddings are one occasion where avoiding the topic of love is impossible.
If you and your single friend have both been invited to a wedding, here’s how to make sure you both don’t hijack the champagne stand:
Only set up a friend if they’re willing
While it can be exciting to play cupid, make sure your friend is happy being set up by you.
If the last thing they need is you playing matchmaker, then as a friend, you should respect their wishes. They may be content being single and you need to be ok with it too, even if you really think the waiter is totally their type.
However, if they’ve recently been suffering from dating fatigue and haven’t made any effort in ages, a wedding can be a great way to reignite their motivation.
As a wingman, you can suss out who is actually single and make sure they don’t get into any awkward conversations with people who’re already in relationships.
If their ex is also invited
The downside of having mutual friends with an ex is that weddings are a minefield when it comes to avoiding them.
Try keeping them apart as we don’t need history repeating itself, especially if they’re both looking for an excuse. If their ex has brought their new partner, then it’s your job as a friend to help keep their emotions in check.
Don’t let them wallow in pity (or worse in the champagne) and instead try taking their mind off it by exploring the venue or talking to the other interesting guests (brownie points if it’s a dog).
Avoid playing mobile dating in real life
If their dating life mainly consists of swiping left or right, it can be hard for them to get back to dating in real life.
This is your chance to re-introduce them into the art of conversation and encourage them to talk to people first before deciding if it’s a definite yes or no based on how they look.
Steer conversation away from their single status
If you’re both stuck on a table surrounded by happy couples, it can be very easy to get into the “ …so are you in a relationship?” question but spare them the monologue and tell your friend to keep it short.
Throw in a joke, keep it light and move the conversation along. Trust me, your friend will thank you for it.
Don’t let them drown in their misery
It can be easy to get drunk, after all, it’s an occasion. However, you don’t want them coming off as a mess seeing as you’ve both been invited as guests and not gate-crashers.
Use the environment as a way to remind them that love does exist and in the meantime…just enjoy the free food!
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