The Red Flags Of A Rebound Relationship - Part 2

Our relationship expert, Dr Pam Spurr (on Twitter and Instagram @drpamspurr) shares more signs to look out for if you're worried about a new relationship.
If you’re seeing someone new and feeling super loved-up that’s a brilliant place to be. It’s like being on cloud nine, everything seems possible.
One consideration, though, is whether this new ‘love’ recently came out of a serious relationship? You don’t want to be in rebound territory.
Last week I covered a few crucial signs that you might be their ‘rebound relationship’. Here are three more signs to be aware of:
They call their ex’s name
There can hardly be anything worse than a new partner calling out their ex-partner's name in the middle of sex. Funnily enough, our use of someone's name - like a long-term partner - becomes a habit. Their name is literally ‘programmed’ to the tip of our tongue. So, it’s not surprising their ex’s name might slip out in moments of intense excitement because of this.
However, what should concern you is if their ex’s name comes out in other circumstances, like in general conversations. That’s not a good sign. They should be more aware to be focused on you and your name.
The Kid-Factor
If they have a child/children - and you've got a big heart - it can be a wonderful thing to become a step-parent figure (I've been there). However, some people are desperately seeking the new "Daddy or Mommy Mock 2" for their children. If they want you to dive in and get involved with their children early on, explain that you'd love to at the right time. Make this a very gradual process so their child’s well-being comes first.
Mind the statistics!
Relationship research shows that 90% of first relationships after a breakup fall apart - and often quite quickly. This means if you’re the new partner, post-breakup statistics suggest you've only got a 1 in 10 chance of staying together!
Keep this in mind if things seem to get a bit rocky. Your best bet is to deal with issues as-and-when they arise and definitely don't sweep them under the carpet.
Good luck and happy dating, Pam x
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