The Online Dating Tips You Need For Valentine's Day This Week

You may not being going out this Valentine's but you can still make it count this year. Our relationship expert, Dr Pam Spurr (on Twitter and Instagram @drpamspurr) gives us her tips.
This year, Valentine's Day will be different for those new couples who have met online during lockdown and for singles who haven’t met anyone yet. There aren’t any single-and-mingle events to go to, instead you need to use your initiative.
I really fear this year, the legendary St. Valentine will definitely be spinning in his 1700 year-old grave! Gone are the times when you could grab a single friend, get out this V-Day week and have loads of venues to choose from.
Here are a few top tips for online dating this week:
Spread your St Valentine wings
Definitely make the most of the app this week but at the same time look for some fun moments on social media where you might be able to be a bit flirty.
In this day and age, it’s important that flirtatiousness is fun and doesn’t cross the mark. This doesn’t stop you giving lots of ‘likes’ to someone you think looks attractive. Hopefully they’ll notice!
Get out of your comfort zone and look past your ‘usual type’
Maybe you’ve always stuck to the type of person you think you’re most attracted to – they have to have a certain type of job or a certain look. Give it a go, dump your type for this week and keep an open mind about having a little flirt - or checking out the profiles - of people who are outside of your usual type.
Don’t despair
If nothing happens in the run-up to Valentine’s Day, don’t worry about it! Make sure you work that ‘onwards and upwards’ vibe. Maintaining a positive dating attitude definitely helps when you come across people in the future. As I’ve said in many columns, people can ‘read’ your vibe quite easily – whether it’s negative, positive or somewhere in between.
And if you have someone new in your life? Here are a few more tips –
Show them you’ve been paying attention to your online and FaceTime chats
Send them their favourite chocolate bars that they’ve mentioned in your chats. Or their favourite tipple or something that reflects their birth year – like the DVD of a film from that time. These small but thoughtful gifts make a difference to a very new dating situation!
Make a memory
If you haven’t met up yet because it’s very new, why not suggest a fun and flirty FaceTime where you toast each other with some fizz and each have the same plate of finger foods. You can definitely flirt with food, telling them how you’d love to feed them some finger foods if they were actually with you. Having a creative first Valentine’s night like that will go down in your memory-banks as something that solidified your new relationship.
Already taken the plunge to lockdown together?
Some new couples decided around late last year/around Christmas that they would lockdown together because it just felt right. A mistake in some cases but the right choice in others. It’s been a number of weeks and now is the time to get playful with fun fantasies. You can boost each other’s bedroom confidence by revealing the wild fantasies you had about each other - sexy thoughts you had about the other after you first met online and leading up to when you got together.
Happy flirting, happy Valentine’s, Pam x
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Follow Dr Pam on Twitter and Instagram @drpamspurr and at
Check out Dr Pam’s art gallery and shop for gift ideas, fantastic for a loved one:
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