The New Dating Terms For 2020

Are you finessing into the new year?
It’s nearly the end of the year people.
Let’s just say this decade will be remembered for changing the dating landscape forever.
Thank you 2010-2019, for introducing us to iconic dating terms such as catfishing, ghosting and breadcrumbing.
To celebrate the start of a new decade, here’s what we’re predicting the new dating terms of 2020 will be.
Based on the viral Ok Boomer meme that saw cross generational wars taken to a new level of playground insults, Boomered is when you date someone older and they are dismissive of the younger generation.
E.g. "I went on a date last night and let’s just say, I got boomered."
When they are so good at dating, they’re practically a professional. Their profile is award-worthy, their conversation banter is next level and their precision in flirting could make cupid weep. Whether they’re the real deal in person is a mystery but one you’re having fun unravelling.
E.g. "Why do I feel like I just got finessed?"
First coined by Grazia, this is when someone goes out with you to impress their friends or make their ex jealous. They revel in putting you on display and love plastering photos of both of you on social media. Except it’s a bait and switch and they treat you very differently when it’s just the two of you.
E.g. "She can’t stop taking pictures of us, am I being fireworked?"
When you are completely done with someone that they’re practically old news. You’re no longer tempted by ghosts of boy/girlfriend’s past. Your friends will be pleased.
E.g. "Him? Oh, he is so dusted."
When you’ve been successfully set up by a friend. Many of us still meet people through mutual friends and there’s still not a term for it. The term Wingman is no longer just part of boy banter, more and more people are embracing the love of playing cupid.
E.g. "How did we meet? We were wingmanned by our friends."
When you meet through Instagram. Whether it was Love (or lust) at first like or sliding into the DM’s, finding your next date through Instagram is looking pretty common now. Well if Facebook have entered the dating game, we wouldn’t be surprised if Instagram rolls its own feature out in the next decade.
E.g. "I saw her on the ‘gram and we instamatched."
Dater’s Peak
When your dating life is at its strongest point where you’re getting regular matches, having conversations that last more than 3 days and actually going out on real life dates. Guess it’s not so lonely at the top after all.
E.g. "Guys, I’m at a dater’s peak. The dating gods have shined their light on me."
When you’re constantly dating the wrong people. Based on the popular TV show Fleabag where the main character repeatedly dates the wrong men, this is one trend we’re all kind of guilty of.
E.g. "How could I be so wrong? I really need to stop dating fleabags."
When the person you’re talking to never gives a clear answer but rather a longwinded answer to avoid answering truthfully like this sentence. We’ve all met them, romantically inclined or not.
E.g. "When it comes to answering questions about his ex, he’s a waffler."
When you spot the same person on different dating apps. You can tell they’re serious about dating and are just trying to maximise their chances of getting a match. Smart or desperate, you can be the judge of that. When you’re finally serious and it’s time to delete the apps, you might be just waiting a little too longer.
E.g. "Oh he’s a multiplayer. I just spotted him on three different apps."
When the person you’ve been seeing, bails or leaves you before Valentine’s Day. Just remember if you decide to dump someone between Feb 1st- Feb 14th, you’re ruining a holiday forever.
E.g. "Guess who just got Bailentined? Chocolates for one I guess."
Solo queen
When you fully embrace your single status. Thanks to Emma Watson, self-partnered is the new single.
E.g. "Single? I’m a solo queen baby."
Sign up now with your wingman by downloading the Wingman® app in the App store and Google Play store. Available in the US and UK for IOS and Android devices.
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