Quiz: Will this be your summer of love?

Our relationship expert Dr Pam Spurr (On Twitter & Instagram @drpamspurr) shares her quiz on whether you're ready for a summer romance.
It feels like love is in the air. The sunshine, upcoming holidays, and evenings spent enjoying drinks on pub terraces, all put people in the mood to connect with someone new or strengthen things with a new partner.
It’s easy to spot singles flirting at a friend’s wedding or over drinks in the pubs. But when you meet that special person and start a new relationship this summer, here’s a quick quiz to help determine if it will go the course.
Answer these questions honestly to see if things are going to be too hot to handle or not:
1.Do you and your new partner equally put your relationship first?
A/ Yes, we do prioritise it
B/ Not at all, it’s already a problem
C/ Sometimes we prioritise it evenly
2.Does your new partner’s family have too much influence on him/her?
A/ No, my partner’s quite independent like that
B/ Yes, he/she can’t breathe without them having an opinion
C/ Sometimes they stick their nose in
3.Would you say the disagreements between you are ‘healthy’?
A/ Yes, they tend to clear the air
B/ No, they’re already pretty toxic
C/ Sometimes but some of them are about point scoring
4. Do your attitudes to money appear to clash?
A/ No, we’re very similar about spending and budgeting
B/ Definitely, there’s tension over money
C/ At times we argue over spending
5.Do you expect your new partner to know what you’re feeling inside about something?
A/ No, I accept they aren’t not a mind-reader
B/ Yes, of course they should
C/ Well, they should be able to guess about the important things
6.Has time spent on social media annoyed either of you?
A/ No, our use of social media doesn’t affect us
B/ Yes, because I/they can’t resist checking it
C/ At times one of us gets annoyed by it
4+ As: A ‘summer of love’ is waiting!
Choosing mainly As reveals the potential for a strong relationship. You’re probably already communicating well and try to find compromises.
4+ Bs: You’re feeling the heat!
B answers tend to reveal the potential for conflict between you as well as actual conflict. To help improve your relationship follow summer love tips below.
4+ Cs: Summertime blues ahead!
Mainly C answers reveals a potentially challenging relationship. You can turn things around if you check out the summer love advice below.
*Be positive when you need to discuss differences, like their family being over-involved in your new relationship. Starting with a positive helps any difficult chat. Say something like, “We get along well when we do X, Y or Z, I wish we had that good feeling when talking about OUR families. NB you shouldn’t say when talking about THEIR family!
*Be wise about how social media can become like a third person in your relationship. When together switch off your tech and talk! And if you know they don’t like you posting about your new relationship, then don’t do it. If you stay together there will be plenty of chances to post about it.
*Tackle issues that have started to cause conflict when you’re both in good moods. Couples make the mistake of only ‘talking’ (make that yelling) about issues when they are actually arguing! Make this a new relationship something different by actually heading off issues when you see there are about to start.
*If you must argue, then argue wisely. Resist shouting nasty things at each other when you have that first big row. The things you’ll never forget. Take a breather if one of you is furious, while they calm down.
*You’re both discovering new things about each other and that’s exciting. And if either of you has an interest or hobby that the other doesn’t particularly like, it’s okay not to do everything together!
Good luck, Pam x
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Follow Dr Pam on Twitter and Instagram @drpamspurr and at drpam.co.uk
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