How To Survive Being Single This Festive Season

Our relationship expert Dr Pam Spurr (On Twitter & Instagram @drpamspurr) shares her best tips on how to be single and fabulous this festive season.
You can’t avoid Christmas and New Year’s and it can become a bit overwhelming – not just for singles but even for happy couples who wonder if they’re ‘doing enough’. If you’re happily single you’ve undoubtedly sorted yourself out for the onslaught.
BUT if you’re single and looking for love it can be tricky – feeling like everyone else is cosy at Christmas and loved up for the new Year!
Here are some top tips to boost your festive feelings:
*Grab this time to enjoy spoiling yourself – if you’re alone this holiday season then order your favourite takeaways, sort out your favourite box sets, and do things YOU enjoy.
*Contact any friends who might also be on their own and make simple plans
Meet for walks, coffees, drinks – the little things can bring lots of happiness.
*If you’re resilient, feeling confident and aren’t worried about rejection (you shouldn’t be because we all get rejected) then there are some singles events on offer so go online and find out what’s near you.
*This is the perfect time to get on Wingman app even more frequently to check out who’s around.
*Use this time to widen your circle of opportunity – spend time researching new places to go in 2022. If you always go to the same places you see the same faces whether it’s the same café you go to at your lunch break or the same bar you go to for drinks after work.
*Get outside your comfort zone - sign up to a new book club, gym, or dance, art or language class – anything to widen your social network and get you enthused about life.
*Don’t fall into the envy trap – thinking of all the couples you know are having a great time. Remind yourself that in the New Year divorce lawyers get more business than any other time so a lot of those couples who put on a façade are actually not that happy. Revel in the fact that right now you can do as you please and don’t answer to anyone.
*Think about your priorities for finding love in the New Year. ‘Thinking in ink’ can be a big help so make a list of all the things you’re looking for in a date and then list your top 5 in order of priority. Anything below these you may be willing to compromise on - but if someone’s not able to meet your top 5, move on immediately. Remember your top five should be about things like they are respectful - being less strict about the ‘shallower’ things in life – like their hair colour – is a good lesson to learn. Forget the fact that the ex who got away was a brunette and that’s what you’re looking for!
Happy Christmas, happy New Year and happy dating, Pam x
Sign up now with your wingman by downloading the Wingman app in the App store and Google Play store. Available in the US and UK for IOS and Android devices.
Follow Dr Pam on Twitter and Instagram @drpamspurr and at
Check out Dr Pam’s art gallery and shop for gift ideas, fantastic for a loved one:
Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels
Photo by Anthony Shkraba from Pexels
Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels