How To Successfully Date In College

It's a new term, are you ready for romance?
It’s the start of the new school year, new beginnings, new surroundings, new possibilities for romance. If you’re starting the new academic year single, there’s no better time to mingle.
According to a study from Facebook, 28% of married Facebook users in the U.S. met their spouses in college.
Here are our tips on how to successfully date in college:
Sign up to events (Virtually if there are still restrictions)
If you’re starting college in a new town, chances are you’re looking to make new friends. The best place to find them are event nights whether they’re game nights, pub quizzes or introduction to societies. You’re more likely to strike up a conversation with someone new here than wandering through town. Don’t be afraid of going alone, most people will be there looking to make friends as well. Some of the best romances start with friendship so don’t let the dating pressure wear you out. If your college is holding virtual events instead this year, sign up to at least one to give it a go.
Get yourself a wingman
It can get lonely during College, that’s why it’s good to have friends you can count on. Once you feel settled with college life and you have fellow single friends, embark on the dating journey together. Having a wingman or wingmwoman by your side where you can support each other is much easier than going solo. Go to hang-outs on the weekends, introduce each other to someone great on your course or get creative on social media and make a campaign on why people should date your friend.
Visit your local coffee shops
As you adjust to your new surroundings, it’s a great idea to explore new places around the city. Whether it’s a local coffee shop or a new cafe, you’re likely to meet new people. It can be daunting to strike up a conversation with a stranger but if there’s a regular place you like to visit, start by being friendly with the staff. This will work up your confidence and test your conversational skills. Although be mindful of respecting people in their alone time, not everyone wants to be approached.
Make friends outside your course on campus
It can be easy to stick to socialising with people on your course. It makes sense, you see them all the time, you’re more likely to have similar schedules and you’ll have things in common. But what about all the other awesome people you’ll be missing out on?
Just like in life and dating, you’ll have people from different backgrounds who can give different perspectives. What made them choose the college and the course they’re studying? When you need a break from studying, they will be the best people to take your mind off it and vice versa.
Try dating apps and filter it by your college location
As Covid restrictions are still present in some places, dating and getting to know people might be a strictly virtual activity for some. Online dating has your back. There are so many apps out in the market that you can try out, whichever one works for you. If you filter your distance settings, you may come across other singles in your college.
And for those already in a relationship starting the new school year, it’s your time to be a matchmaker! Win some brownie points among your new classmates and set them up with someone great.
Download Wingman app and matchmake your friends.
Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels
Photo by Armin Rimoldi from Pexels