6 Signs that show they are too needy

Our relationship expert Dr Pam Spurr (On Twitter & Instagram @drpamspurr) shows us the 6 signs that new person in your life is too needy.
Dating someone who gives you lots of attention feels great! Especially at first, and if you have been single a while, or if your ex-partner was distant and unloving.
Here is this new person making you the centre of their world and on top of that, they ‘like’ everything on your social media.
They're very keen, it feels exciting, and perhaps you think it’s time you had someone who was more attentive.
However, if a couple weeks into dating, it starts to feel like pressure - and not pleasure - to interact with them, they may be too needy!
Suddenly you feel a bit hemmed in by their needs. No longer is it a case of your needs being met. It can soon become a case of them wanting their needs - of which there are many – met!
What made you feel good at first now makes you feel like running away.
Here are six signs they’re too needy:
*They hang on your every word. They ask you loads of questions about yourself. They want to know everything about your life and maybe too quickly!
*They seem to get a bit annoyed if you don't message back as quickly as they reply to your messages. They seem unaware that you may have work or other needs that take up your time.
*They want to know everything you've been up to. Not just a general sense of your busy day but they want all the details. It feels as if your privacy is being invaded.
*They want to meet your friends asap. It’s always tricky territory introducing a new love to your old friends. This is something that most people want to do at the right time. However, the right time for them is now!
*They ‘like’ literally everything of yours on social media. At first, as I’ve pointed out, this is fantastic. But after a few weeks it can feel a bit stalker-ish.
*You’ve spent your first night together but it seems like they want to spend every night together now. It feels all too much and you wonder what you’ve got yourself into.
This is tricky territory. Setting your boundaries now means they might back off a bit and understand how needy they have come across. This can be a learning experience for you both! You learning to set those important boundaries and them learning more self-awareness.
Alternatively, it can all go badly and when you set your boundaries, they get very upset. This is the time to seriously think whether or not they are the right person for you.
Good luck and happy dating, Pam x
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Photo by Igor Érico on Unsplash
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash