6 Dating Tips To Flirt Better.

Our relationship expert, Dr Pam Spurr (on Twitter @drpamspurr) helps us ramp up our flirting game.
Let’s think about a few fun dating tips if you’re getting out there for some new-style dating. Everything’s been so serious dealing with the pandemic, so light-heartedness is needed.
Here are some sure-fire steps to attract him or her:
*Fire-up your flirt-factor – One romance-survey found both men and women love it when the other person makes the first move.
So, turn up your flirt-signals around them at that social distancing bar or event you’re at. Relax your body language and focus on what they say making them the centre of your attention. Make them feel like the only person in the world.
*Show that you know how to have fun – Another survey found singles are attracted to other singles who get out and do things. Show you’ve got a life – mention the things you get up to and the plans you have now that there are drive-in gigs, cinemas opening, etc. Plus be interested in what they’re up to – easy ice-breaking chat.
*Kiss them like there’s no tomorrow once you know you’re both feeling healthy and well – Brain research shows the first kiss is literally implanted in your brain. Be ready for a super sexy snog when you to get to that point (when it’s ok to kiss again). Relax your mouth, open your lips and let the French kissing begin.
Try the ‘vacuum technique’ when their tongue’s inside your mouth. Lightly suck on it with your lips – heaven.
If you want to move it up to the ‘foreplay-zone’, use this double sensation technique: apply the ‘swirl and poke’ kiss down their neck. This is where you swirl your tongue over their skin, then gently poke with it, then swirl and poke, repeat.
*Retain some mystery – Being slightly elusive isn’t game playing. I NEVER advocate full-on game playing. But when they know you’re busy and not at their beck and call, you’re instantly more attractive.
Sounds old-fashioned but it’s true. If you pick up the minute they ring or message back the second they message, it just looks a bit desperate.
*Laugh at their jokes – This is the easiest tip of all as a survey found that both men and women love it when their jokes are appreciated! Sure, if you like them for various qualities but they’re not that funny, at least have a little giggle at their jokes.
*Cut the self-criticism – Never draw attention to what you see as your flaws – other singles say it's a massive turn-off when someone they fancy goes on about: I need to lose weight, I hate my nose, I hate my double chin, etc.
Such lack of self-esteem puts the dampeners on their initial attraction to you. Even if you think those things, don’t say them. And it’s time to start working on your self-confidence.
Happy dating!
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Follow Dr Pam Spurr on Twitter @drpamspurr and on Instagram @drpamspurr
For more advice, visit her website at www.drpam.co.uk
Check out Dr Pam’s podcast: https://bit.ly/2JFPjBU
View her inspirational art paintings here
Photo by sept commercial on Unsplash
Photo by Garin Chadwick on Unsplash